Thyroid problems

The thyroid is a small gland located below Adam’s apple into me your neck. It releases hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which increase the amount of oxygen your body uses and stimulate your cells to produce new proteins. By controlling the release of these hormones, the thyroid determines the metabolic rate of most of your body’s organs. The thyroid gland is regulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which is made by the pituitary gland in the brain. Normally, when thyroid hormone levels in the body are high, they will “switch off” the production of TSH, which in turn stops the thyroid from making more T4 and T3.

Problems occur when the thyroid gland becomes either underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperthyroidism). Thyroid problems are more common in women than men. Cancer may also develop in the thyroid gland. I used to administer homeopathy  treatment to my patients and once the treatment was completed they would never come back to me at least for 5-8 years.

But recently one of my friend’s wife who is suffering from hypothyroidism since 8 years,  is taking Eltroxin 100 mcg regularly. Her recent thyroid profile shows that TSH level is 8.02 uIU/ml which should be (0.30-5.00uIU/ml). I prescribed homeopathy medicine on  14/02/18. Within a week she complained that she was suffering from fatigue in the evenings. So suggested her to take only half of her regular dosage which made her feel better on the next day, but after 2 days only she got back to the same. Then I advised her to take 25 mcg for 5 days and stop completely. Meanwhile, in one month’s time, she lost 4 kilos. Now she is on homeopathy medication with some home remedies. She lost almost 9 kilos in 2 months and by end of may, she will complete her medication.

Usually, thyroid complication will be resolved in 3-6 months in homeopathy treatment based on my personal experience. But when we started treating with a combination of Ayurveda/Unani or home remedy whatever you name it, with homeopathy results will be very effective & Allopathy medication can be withdraw in the first month itself.