Cure for diabetes (Type 1, Type 2)

The ADM-Serum concept is based on the healing process and restoration of tissue level treatment of the body. Using the preliminary results of semi-formal Type 2 diabetes merged with other informal trials I believe it’s possible to control type 1 diabetes in children of same (diabetes) parents.

Children should start this medication at an early age to prevent getting type 1, diabetes. But in later stage medications will take longer to revert. (What we are expecting based on the healing process)

The claims are based on the fact of research conducted by us. Some information is given below. As the ADM-Serum does not contain any chemicals nor preservatives in it (Some change based on the requirement). But as of now, it’s very sure that the type 2, diabetes can be curable in 6-9 months.

As I’m not a certified medical professional nor a doctor but still as a hobby, I use to practice acupressure, Sujok, little knowledge about homeopathy etc. This is very early to claim here or claiming any formal testing but I have an explanation based research I have done. Some information is share to satisfy my claim.

  1. Tried on Pri-diabetics (3 persons all of them reported improvement after the first month)
  2. Out of 3, 2 persons ware suffering from BP stopped medication within the first week only because of control.
  3. One person who was suffering from vertigo attack stopped.
  4. A lot of Improvement happened in skin condition.

 In diabetic patients

8 persons used ADM-Serum for 3/4 months till now. All of them ware suffering from associated complications for more than 5 years.

  1. All of them stopped medication within two months only (Allopathy medication metformin)
  2. One of them on insulin stopped after 3 months came to metformin 500 mg tablet one pill.
  3. HbA1C reported in between (7.*- 8.*) in first 3 months. All of them faced the hypoglycemic need to take honey and reduced the medication gradually.
  4. Diabetic complication (fatigue, nephropathy, diabetic neuropathy) improved.
  5. No additional medication is given for BP, frequent urination etc.
  6. Skin complications recovered. Psoriasis people also took the support of homeopathy medication. The recovery happened in 3-5 months by joint efforts.
  7. Good improvement is seen in test reports (FBS/PLBS, S. Creatinine, lipid profile, liver profile, etc.)

But needed support from our readers to encourage us by providing your comments & supporting us by referring. As of now, we tested on patients of both diabetic & nondiabetic cases like (thyroid, eczema, psoriasis etc.) treating with a combination of Ayurveda and Homeopathy results are very rapid. (2 years back treated with homeopathy for psoriasis which took us 6 months to recover & two months to clear the tint total of 8 months whereas in Combine treatment 4 months recovery is done little marks are there).